
Milano - december 2014

Artigiano in Fiera 2014

L'ultimo appuntamento fieristico dell'anno 2014 per la nostra Azienda Agricola di Micco, "L'Artigiano in Fiera" straordinaria manifestazione che è tenuta dal 29 all'8 Dicembre 2014 presso la fiera...

Rimini - january 2014

Rhex 2014

As is tradition now, the year of promotion inaugurate the exhibition in celebration of Rimini, 23 to 26 February 2013 for the event so far known as SAPORE, which this year took the name of RHEX as...

Milano - november 2013

Artigiano in Fiera 2013

L'ultimo appuntamento fieristico dell'anno 2013 per la nostra Azienda Agricola di Micco, "L'Artigiano in Fiera" straordinaria manifestazione presso la fiera di RHO a Milano.Oltre noi, centinaia di...

Rimini - february 2013

Rhex 2013

As is tradition now, the year of promotion inaugurate the exhibition in celebration of Rimini, 23 to 26 February 2013 for the event so far known as SAPORE, which this year took the name of RHEX as...

New York - november 2012

The Apulian Food

On 15 November in New York City we have actively participated, with a selection of other undertakings representing the excellence of our region Puglia, all'Apulian Food, an event promoted by AICAI...

Montreal - may 2012

SIAL Canada 2012

For the family "Micco" it was the turn of North America. The Farm of Micco fact was for the first time in Canada, specifically in Montreal, where he exported the history and excellence of a region so...

Rimini - february 2012

SAPORE - Oro Giallo 2012

Opend year's trade fair presentation and promotion of agricultural production of excellence that distinguishes us, with the regular appointment with the fair food and beverage TASTE 2012, and in...

Hong Kong - Cina - may 2011

HOFEX Exhibition - Hong Kong maggio 2011

May 2011: The land of Apulia, its oil and first time us, di Micco farm was in China, in Hong KongFrom 11 to 14 May 2011 our extra virgin olive oil DOP Terra di Bari, flavored oils, preserved in oil...

Maglie - august 2010

Premiazione SLOWFOOD

Matera - july 2010

Italia a tavola

The Farm of Micco its Extra Virgin Olive Oil DOP Terra di Bari - Castel del Monte and all the local dishes of Puglia produced with passion and tradition of the company, to Matera "Italy at the...

Helsinki - may 2010

A Taste of Apulia

Dubai - february 2010

GulFood 2010

From 21 to 24 February 2010, the farm di Micco inaugurates the new year with participation in the international fair Gulfood 2010 at the Dubai International Convention and Exhibition Center.We were...

Rimini - february 2010

SAPORE - Oro Giallo 2010

From February 21 to 24 we were in Rimini Fair at the Fair of Food Flavor - GOLDORO GIALLO - International Virgin Olive Oil ExhibitionFour days to diffuse the culture of extra virgin olive oil,...

Colonia - Germania - october 2009

Anuga 2009

We are pleased to announce the participation of our company and our products to one of the most important fairs of the food at the international level.We were present at the  Anuga Fair in...

Berlino - august 2009

Campionati Mondiali Atletica Leggera

Ancora una volta abbiamo onorato la nostra terra e i nostri sapori partecipando attivamente alla promozione dei nostri prodotti tipici a livello internazionale.Questa volta infatti siamo a...

Milano - june 2009

Tutto Food 2009

Locorotondo - may 2009

Inaugurazione Agriculture Point

Venerdì 1 Maggio siamo stati presenti con tutti i nostri prodotti, presso il Centro di Ricerca e Sperimentazione in Agricoltura "Basile Caramia" di Locorotondo, appuntamento fra turismo, cultura e...

Trieste - march 2009

Olio Capitale 09

Dal 6 al 9 marzo 2009 torna la 3a edizione di Olio Capitale, l'evento organizzato in collaborazione con l'Associazione Nazionale Città dell'Olio si sta confermado vetrina ideale per la...

Rimini - february 2009

MIA Mostra internazionale dell'Alimentazione

MIA è l’appuntamento leader per l’alimentazione fuori casa, momento di verifica per un mercato che comporta in Italia un giro d’affari di 65,7 miliardi, ancora in crescita. Nel 2015 si...

Bari - november 2008


Workshop dedicated to the Oil Producers of extra virgin olive oil from Puglia with international...

Parma - may 2008


Londra - march 2008

Dolce Vita Show

Trieste - march 2008

Olio Capitale


Caracas - october 2007

Fiera Internazionale dell'Enogastronomia
